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TON Fingerprints

This is a set of unique digital fingerprints created based on the algorithm for generating basic rings using a noise texture. Like human fingerprints, you can now use them for the Web 3.0 and metaverse era as digital biometric information on The Open Network.

Domain fingerprints.ton



TON DNS is a service that allows users to assign a human-readable name to crypto wallets, smart contracts, and websites. With TON DNS, access to decentralized services is analogous to access to websites on the internet.

Public entry proxies

For familiarization with TON Sites you can use one of the public entry proxies:

You can set them in the settings of a regular browser as HTTP proxy server.



TON Sites, TON WWW, and TON Proxy

TON Site


apt-get update && apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y nginx
apt-get clean all

apt-get install -y systemd

# echo "daemon off;" >> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
rm /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
cp fingerprints.ton/index.html /var/www/html/index.nginx-debian.html
cp fingerprints.ton/images/03-logo_blue-2.svg /var/www/html/images/
cp fingerprints.ton/images/03-ton_logo_dark_background.svg /var/www/html/images/

mkdir -p /var/cache/swap/
dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/cache/swap/swap0 bs=64M count=64
chmod 0600 /var/cache/swap/swap0
mkswap /var/cache/swap/swap0
swapon /var/cache/swap/swap0
swapon -s

cd /root
mkdir TON
cd TON
apt-get update
apt install -y build-essential cmake clang openssl libssl-dev zlib1g-dev gperf wget git curl libreadline-dev ccache libmicrohttpd-dev
git clone --recurse-submodules
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ton
cmake --build . --target lite-client
cmake --build . --target func
cmake --build . --target fift
cmake --build . --target tonlib-cli
cmake --build . --target rldp-http-proxy
cmake --build . --target generate-random-id

cd /root/TON
mkdir keyring
cd keyring
/root/TON/build/utils/generate-random-id -m adnlid

Copy key + adnlid

echo "adnl: "  
read adnl_address

echo "IP: " 
read ip_address_host

cd /root/TON
/root/TON/build/rldp-http-proxy/rldp-http-proxy -p 8080 -a $ip_address_host:3333 -A $adnl_address -L '*' -C /root/TON/build/global.config.json --verbosity 3


Owner list

If nft has owner address on presale stage - it will be minted with that owner, if not it will be minted with minter as owner. List here



This will create 3 NFTs. NFTs with index 0 and 1 will be owned by you wallet, while NFT with index 2 will be owned by EQCjNf6y_RhVATipbgKpCBAa8h5z6mwIXv3oDY7UZRyv0w3m


Content: ipfs://bafkreidikvhz6epgy43qohc3bmqhz4rqekcvzguqebtbpgkw2qo36jr56y

  "name": "TON Fingerprints",
  "description": "This is a collection of 10 000 unique digital fingerprints created based on the algorithm for generating basic rings using a noise texture. Like human fingerprints, you can now use them for the Web3 and Metaverse era as digital biometric information on The Open Network.",
  "image": "ipfs://bafkreigdf236ojpw3gyp7pgmbkfdfzok4odwpqkhvmvhpssxhujnhpqaam",
  "external_link": "",
  "fee_recipient": "EQCjNf6y_RhVATipbgKpCBAa8h5z6mwIXv3oDY7UZRyv0w3m"

Algorithm for generating basic rings using a noise texture

vec2 hash2( vec2 p )
    p = vec2( dot(p,vec2(63.31,127.63)), dot(p,vec2(395.467,213.799)) );
    return -1.0 + 2.0*fract(sin(p)*43141.59265);

void main(void)
    float invzoom = 64.;
    vec2 uv = invzoom*((gl_FragCoord.xy-0.5*resolution.xy)/resolution.x);
    float bounds = smoothstep(9.,10.,length(uv*vec2(0.74,0.55)));

    float a=0.;
    vec2 h = vec2(floor(7.*time), 0.);
    for(int i=0; i<50; i++){
        float s=sign(h.x);
        h = hash2(h)*vec2(15.,20.);
        a += s*atan(uv.x-h.x, uv.y-h.y);
    uv += (3-5.).*abs(hash2(h));
    a+=atan(uv.y, uv.x);

    float w = 0.8;
    float p=(1.-bounds)*w; 
    float s = min(0.3,p);
    float l = length(uv)+0.319*a; 
    float m = mod(l,2.);
    float v = (1.-smoothstep(2.-s,2.,m))*smoothstep(p,p+s,m);
    glFragColor = vec4(v,v,v,1.);


Every Fingerprint can be composed of up to 10 properties:

  1. Count - Line counter
  2. Area - %Area of fingerprint
  3. Perimeter - The length of the outside boundary of the fingerprint
  4. Ellipse Major - Primary axis of the fingerprint ellipse
  5. Minor - Secondary axis of the fingerprint ellipse
  6. Angle - Angle is the angle between the primary axis and a line parallel to the X-axis of the fingerprint
  7. Circularity - 4π ×[Area]/[Perimeter]² with a value of 1.0 indicating a perfect circle. As the value approaches 0.0, it indicates an increasingly elongated shape
  8. Integrated density - The sum of the values of the pixels in the image fingerprint. This is equivalent to the product of Area and Mean Gray Value
  9. Skewness - The third order moment about the mean
  10. Kurtosis - The fourth order moment about the mean


SVG files include:

    xmlns:rdf = ""
    xmlns:rdfs = ""
    xmlns:dc = ""
    xmlns:cc = "">
    <cc:license rdf:resource=""/>
    <cc:permits rdf:resource=""/>
    <rdf:Description about=""
      dc:title="TON Fingerprints"
      dc:description="This is a unique digital fingerprint created based on the algorithm for generating basic rings using a noise texture. Like human fingerprints, you can now use it for the Web3 and Metaverse era as digital biometric information."
      dc:publisher="MIR | Machine Intelligence Research"
      dc:language="en" >


  1. CC0
  2. Universal NFT License


    "attributes": [
          "trait_type": "Count", 
          "value": 1
          "trait_type": "Area", 
          "value": 2
          "trait_type": "Perimeter", 
          "value": 3
          "trait_type": "Major", 
          "value": 4
          "trait_type": "Minor", 
          "value": 5
          "trait_type": "Angle", 
          "value": 6
          "trait_type": "Circularity", 
          "value": 7
          "trait_type": "Integrated density", 
          "value": 8
          "trait_type": "Skewness", 
          "value": 9
          "trait_type": "Kurtosis", 
          "value": 10



Jetton Donation
